Siavash Namehshiri

Musician and Soundartist

Co-Creators Sonosynthesis Noise #2(2023)

Yasmine Elbaramawy is a highly skilled Egyptian oud and electronics player. In 2021, Yasmine was invited to perform in Zurich, and we had an opportunity to perform together in a trio. I had known Yasmine before this event because of her political activism, and her fight against legal and patriarchal oppressions in the movement during, before, and after the Egyptian Revolution as a feminist and anti-sexual harassment activist.

Nicole Rivera is a Chilean performer and researcher. She is an actress with a specialty in playwriting. This is an artist I had absolutely no artistic interaction or contact with before. Nicole found MigrArt online and approached Verein MigrArt for a collaboration. Her perspective on the topic, along with her communal experiences and her recent work, “Noise From the Matrix,” which she interpreted as a psychomagical act to end a toxic relationship with an emotional, verbal, and psychological abuser, resonated perfectly with the time and space of my research. I was delighted to involve her in the project.


Yasmine Elbaramawy : Oud, FX and modulation, drum machine , vocals and samples

Nicole Rivera: Kaoss pad, contact mics, visuals and body movements

Siavash Namehshiri: Dahol feedback network with transducer, contact mic and modular synthesizer